Hello girls and boys.
It was great to do yoga with Leisa yesterday. She did a marvellous job.
Thank you Leisa.
Today is ’Timeout Thursday’
Take some time out to clear your head and practise some mindfulness.
Ms. Power and Mr. McGrath are doing a great job this week reminding us how important our mental health is.
If you are not using Seesaw everything is available on the school website under ‘School Initiatives – Amber Flag’
My e-mail address is [email protected] if you want to contact me.
The following is the work for today.
Bua na Cainte
1st lch 79
2nd lch 138
(If you have difficulty pronouncing the words in Irish correctly, you can use the following link and click on the Munster Dialect. Write words individually, if there’s more than one word.)
Continue to use the app duolingo (about 15 mins a day)
1st – Sounds make words pg 60
2nd – Sounds make words pg 59
Read for enjoyment !!
Table Toppers pg 74 D
Seesaw Lesson
If you are not using Seesaw here is the link for the maths activity -
1st class – http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19619/activity-126/index.html
Busy at Maths pg 126
2nd class – http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19626/activity-138/index.html
Busy at Maths pg 138
Explorers pg 64 & 65
Seesaw lesson: Mixing & Other Changes
If you are not engaging with Seesaw, you can click on the following link for the lesson
Seesaw lesson: ’Timeout Thursday’
If you are not engaging with Seesaw, you can click on the following link for the lesson
Guided Meditation:
Make a healthy meal or snack
Prayer - Hail Mary on pg 64 of Grow in Love
RTÉ Home School Hub is on RTÉ 2 11am-12 noon Mon-Fri, with lots of fun and interesting classes.
Make sure and take ’Timeout Thursday’ for yourself!
God Bless
Ms Lyons