Hello everyone,
Another new week. I hope you all had a lovely safe weekend.
This week the teachers involved with the Amber flag will be given the teachers little mindfulness and wellbeing activities to give to you. These activities will be a way of helping you to relax during this strange time.
Below is today's work and the 'Mindfulness Monday' activity
Junior Infants
English Story
‘The Day the Crayons Quit
Where is the picture set?
How many people are sitting/standing?
Is it a day or night scene? How do you know?
Can you tell me what time of day it might be?
2.Click on link for Maths activity http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19596/activity-112/index2.html
Phonics ue
1.Listen to 'ue' Jolly phonics song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t963ijs4L30
2. Trace ue on the table, on someone's back or in flour
3. Practice writing ue
Ready Steady Write p.20 or the next page you need to complete
Wellbeing Week - Mindful Monday
This week is 'Wellbeing Week'. Today is 'Mindful Monday.'
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual.
Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! You can also try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU&t=205s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUUq0HuSLS0
Senior Infants
English Story
‘The Day the Crayons Quit
1.Find a one cent /1c coin around the house.
2. Busy at Maths Workbook p.104
Questions to ask...
-What is the coin?
-How many 1c coins are there in the top section of the page?
-What other coins can you see?
3. Upload a picture of your Busy at Maths if you can. Don't worry about the online activity.
OR click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19602/activity-104/index.html
Monday Phonics: Y can say i and e
1. Listen to rap song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pdmaKQauXc
2. Write 2 words with y as i
3. Write 3 words with y as e
Ready Steady Write complete next page.
Wellbeing Week - Mindful Monday
This week is 'Wellbeing Week'. Today is 'Mindful Monday.'
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual. Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! You can also try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU&t=205s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUUq0HuSLS0
Another new week. I hope you all had a lovely safe weekend.
This week the teachers involved with the Amber flag will be given the teachers little mindfulness and wellbeing activities to give to you. These activities will be a way of helping you to relax during this strange time.
Below is today's work and the 'Mindfulness Monday' activity
Junior Infants
English Story
‘The Day the Crayons Quit
- Click on link https://safeshare.tv/x/jTbINnlW4sI
- Complete worksheet ‘Dear crayon... crayon_worksheet.png
- Look at pictures in Busy at Maths p.112
Where is the picture set?
How many people are sitting/standing?
Is it a day or night scene? How do you know?
Can you tell me what time of day it might be?
2.Click on link for Maths activity http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19596/activity-112/index2.html
Phonics ue
1.Listen to 'ue' Jolly phonics song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t963ijs4L30
2. Trace ue on the table, on someone's back or in flour
3. Practice writing ue
Ready Steady Write p.20 or the next page you need to complete
Wellbeing Week - Mindful Monday
This week is 'Wellbeing Week'. Today is 'Mindful Monday.'
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual.
Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! You can also try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU&t=205s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUUq0HuSLS0
Senior Infants
English Story
‘The Day the Crayons Quit
- Click on link https://safeshare.tv/x/jTbINnlW4sI
- Complete worksheet ‘Dear crayon... crayon_worksheet.png
1.Find a one cent /1c coin around the house.
2. Busy at Maths Workbook p.104
Questions to ask...
-What is the coin?
-How many 1c coins are there in the top section of the page?
-What other coins can you see?
3. Upload a picture of your Busy at Maths if you can. Don't worry about the online activity.
OR click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19602/activity-104/index.html
Monday Phonics: Y can say i and e
1. Listen to rap song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pdmaKQauXc
2. Write 2 words with y as i
3. Write 3 words with y as e
Ready Steady Write complete next page.
Wellbeing Week - Mindful Monday
This week is 'Wellbeing Week'. Today is 'Mindful Monday.'
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual. Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! You can also try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU&t=205s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUUq0HuSLS0