Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Welcome back to another week of home learning. This week will be a little different than other weeks though. This week is 'Well-Being Week', the teachers involved with the Amber flag will be giving little mindfulness and well-being activities to you. Each day there will be a theme, today's theme is 'Mindful Monday.' These activities will be a way of helping you to relax during this strange time.
Here are today's lessons:
'Mindful Monday':
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual. Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! Try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNKA2k44aTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNTXpJV8aUg
I have also attached some Mindful Colouring sheets below that you can download and print if you would like.
Continue with Master Your Maths.
Busy at Maths pg 105 & 106 - working with tenths. Very similar to pages done previously with quarters and eighths. (Attached below and on Seesaw)
Project - Choose any county of Ireland, apart from Meath, and complete a short project on it. Follow the format of what you read on Friday for Meath. I have attached a page that might help focus on what information to write about. Please take time to research and put your work together. Don't rush through this and try to add pictures where you can. The project can be completed as a word document, powerpoint or a poster (take a picture of it), any way that you find easiest. Uploading projects to Seesaw might be tricky so when you have it finished you can email it to me. Hopefully I won't be reading 19 projects on Laois, feel free to choose any county.
Hope you enjoy 'Well-Being Week'.
Stay safe.
Mr McGrath
[email protected]
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Welcome back to another week of home learning. This week will be a little different than other weeks though. This week is 'Well-Being Week', the teachers involved with the Amber flag will be giving little mindfulness and well-being activities to you. Each day there will be a theme, today's theme is 'Mindful Monday.' These activities will be a way of helping you to relax during this strange time.
Here are today's lessons:
'Mindful Monday':
It's important to be mindful these days especially when we might be feeling sad, angry or anxious a little more than usual. Practise some mindfulness to relax and take a break from it all! Try these Mindfulness videos on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNKA2k44aTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNTXpJV8aUg
I have also attached some Mindful Colouring sheets below that you can download and print if you would like.
Continue with Master Your Maths.
Busy at Maths pg 105 & 106 - working with tenths. Very similar to pages done previously with quarters and eighths. (Attached below and on Seesaw)
Project - Choose any county of Ireland, apart from Meath, and complete a short project on it. Follow the format of what you read on Friday for Meath. I have attached a page that might help focus on what information to write about. Please take time to research and put your work together. Don't rush through this and try to add pictures where you can. The project can be completed as a word document, powerpoint or a poster (take a picture of it), any way that you find easiest. Uploading projects to Seesaw might be tricky so when you have it finished you can email it to me. Hopefully I won't be reading 19 projects on Laois, feel free to choose any county.
Hope you enjoy 'Well-Being Week'.
Stay safe.
Mr McGrath
[email protected]
mindful_colouring_sheets.pdf |
mon-maths.pdf |
mon-geography.pdf |