Tuesday - Today is meant to be very hot!! So go out enjoy the weather !
Just a few activities - some maths, a postcard based on an European city , and capital cities / quiz
If you don't have a printer , don't worry just write it on a sheet or in your English writing copy.
Well done everyone and great projects coming in! Keep them going! Also your diary keep that up!
Have a lovely day
Miss Ozenbrook
Maths - Fifth Class pg 174 notes on seesaw
Fourth Class - look back pg 174 notes on seesaw
Geography - Revision - we had learned the names of capital cities in Europe see how many you can remember ? Fill this map in first, and then ones you had forgotten look up in your Atlas or in your European passport.
Have fun with it, test your family, there are lots of quizzes going on while in quarantine why don't you make one up and have a geography round!
You could do this while out in the sun today!
Postcard -Let's pretend we are away...... the sun is shining (hopefully today! ) So chose a city from Europe you would love to visit. Pretend you are there , tell us about it,
- What have you been up to ?
- city sights, the food, weather, ?
- Is it similar to Ireland or not ?
Try complete it in your best writing.
Have fun
Miss Ozenbrook
Just a few activities - some maths, a postcard based on an European city , and capital cities / quiz
If you don't have a printer , don't worry just write it on a sheet or in your English writing copy.
Well done everyone and great projects coming in! Keep them going! Also your diary keep that up!
Have a lovely day
Miss Ozenbrook
Maths - Fifth Class pg 174 notes on seesaw
Fourth Class - look back pg 174 notes on seesaw
Geography - Revision - we had learned the names of capital cities in Europe see how many you can remember ? Fill this map in first, and then ones you had forgotten look up in your Atlas or in your European passport.
Have fun with it, test your family, there are lots of quizzes going on while in quarantine why don't you make one up and have a geography round!
You could do this while out in the sun today!
Postcard -Let's pretend we are away...... the sun is shining (hopefully today! ) So chose a city from Europe you would love to visit. Pretend you are there , tell us about it,
- What have you been up to ?
- city sights, the food, weather, ?
- Is it similar to Ireland or not ?
Try complete it in your best writing.
Have fun
Miss Ozenbrook