Hello girls and boys,
I hope you enjoyed getting out into the fresh air yesterday. Get some fresh air again today. It is great for you mind and body.
Have a lovely Wednesday.
Stay safe,
Ms Hayes
Junior Infants
Busy at Maths p.123
OR Click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19596/activity-123/index2.html
1. Look at video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLFON8qBZsE
2.Write 5 ar words
3. Put 2 words into sentences
SESE: Explore Summer
1. Look at the pictures of summer. The months of summer are May, June and July.
2. Open Explorer workbook p.46 or fill in page attached img_1892.jpg
3. Go outside and open your eyes, your ears and use your hands to explore the signs of summer around you
4. Tick the things you see, hear, touch and draw a picture of another sign of summer.
Tricky words
1.Read the tricky words img_1896.jpg
2. Find and circle or cross out the words only and give
Senior Infants
Busy at Maths workbook p.112
Or Click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19602/activity-112/index.html
Phonics -Revision
1.Listen to video to help you remember the sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJGqbCeRU4
2. Complete worksheet revision_ee_and_ea_sort_words.jpg
SESE: Explore Summer
1. Look at the pictures of summer. The months of summer are May, June and July.
2. Open Explorer workbook p.46 or fill in page attached img_1892.jpg
3. Go outside and open your eyes, your ears and use your hands to explore the signs of summer around you
4. Tick the things you see, hear, touch and draw a picture of another sign of summer.
Tricky words
1.Read the tricky words img_1897.jpg
2. Find and circle or cross out the words only and give
I hope you enjoyed getting out into the fresh air yesterday. Get some fresh air again today. It is great for you mind and body.
Have a lovely Wednesday.
Stay safe,
Ms Hayes
Junior Infants
Busy at Maths p.123
OR Click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19596/activity-123/index2.html
1. Look at video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLFON8qBZsE
2.Write 5 ar words
3. Put 2 words into sentences
SESE: Explore Summer
1. Look at the pictures of summer. The months of summer are May, June and July.
2. Open Explorer workbook p.46 or fill in page attached img_1892.jpg
3. Go outside and open your eyes, your ears and use your hands to explore the signs of summer around you
4. Tick the things you see, hear, touch and draw a picture of another sign of summer.
Tricky words
1.Read the tricky words img_1896.jpg
2. Find and circle or cross out the words only and give
Senior Infants
Busy at Maths workbook p.112
Or Click on link http://data.cjfallon.ie/resources/19602/activity-112/index.html
Phonics -Revision
1.Listen to video to help you remember the sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PJGqbCeRU4
2. Complete worksheet revision_ee_and_ea_sort_words.jpg
SESE: Explore Summer
1. Look at the pictures of summer. The months of summer are May, June and July.
2. Open Explorer workbook p.46 or fill in page attached img_1892.jpg
3. Go outside and open your eyes, your ears and use your hands to explore the signs of summer around you
4. Tick the things you see, hear, touch and draw a picture of another sign of summer.
Tricky words
1.Read the tricky words img_1897.jpg
2. Find and circle or cross out the words only and give