Hello Junior and Senior Infants,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I really enjoyed the sunny weather we had!
Well done on all the hard work you did last week. I want to emphasis to parents what a great job you are doing but please do not put yourself under pressure to get all the work that I assign complete. Do what suits your situation best.
I know some of you collected your workbooks from school. Don’t worry If you didn’t, I will be doing the same as last week and giving you worksheets and tasks. The workbooks are there as a back up and as extra work if you would like. If parents would like you to practice your writing you can do your writing in your workbook ‘Ready ,Steady, Write’ in your own time. Try do 2 or 3 pages a week. I will be assigning must of the work from your Busy at Maths and Sounds Make Words workbooks. I will inform you of the pages in the workbooks that I want you to complete on the website and on Seesaw.
It is ‘Active Schools Week’ this week so I will upload some exercise tasks such as movement break videos for you to do daily. You can upload a picture of yourself doing your exercise to Seesaw.
Keep up the great work!!
Ms Hayes.
[email protected]
Junior Infants
Sing the days of the week song we sang in school or click on link for Days of the week song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tx0rvuXIRg
Download picture monday_colouring.jpg
Busy at Maths workbook p.106
Revise qu : Practice saying the sound and write 5 words with the qu sound
Sounds Make words Workbook p..67
We will have a new sound tomorrow.
English: The Gruffalo
2. Ask your child the following questions,
What does the gruffalo look like?
Name the animals that are scared of the gruffalo.
Why are the animals scared of the gruffalo?
Did you like this story? Why?
Extra: Draw a picture of the Gruffalo/ Your favourite character in the story
Movement Break
Click on link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFa0b_IIRac
Senior Infants
- How many are in the top row?
- How many are in the bottom row?
-How many more blue blocks is there than green blocks?
-How many blocks are there on the top row and bottom row altogether?
2. Writing activity; Download worksheet roi-n-5546-minibeast-bar-graph-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
Ask your child questions such as ...How many blocks do we need to colour for the bumblebee?
How many ladybirds /snails were there?
How many beetles and ladybirds were there altogether?
Are there more woodlice or wasps?
How many woodlice are there?
Phonics Ou and ow
Listen to video https://safeshare.tv/x/ss5c8f0ba3f1bbd
Read along with the sentences.
Write a 1 sentence with an 'ou' word and one sentence with an 'ow' word.
Sounds make words (revision) p.61 oi
English: The Gruffalo
2. Ask your child the following questions
What does the gruffalo look like?
Name the animals that are scared of the gruffalo.
Why are the animals scared of the gruffalo?
Did you like this story? Why?
Extra: Draw a picture of the Gruffalo.
Movement Break
Click on link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFa0b_IIRac
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I really enjoyed the sunny weather we had!
Well done on all the hard work you did last week. I want to emphasis to parents what a great job you are doing but please do not put yourself under pressure to get all the work that I assign complete. Do what suits your situation best.
I know some of you collected your workbooks from school. Don’t worry If you didn’t, I will be doing the same as last week and giving you worksheets and tasks. The workbooks are there as a back up and as extra work if you would like. If parents would like you to practice your writing you can do your writing in your workbook ‘Ready ,Steady, Write’ in your own time. Try do 2 or 3 pages a week. I will be assigning must of the work from your Busy at Maths and Sounds Make Words workbooks. I will inform you of the pages in the workbooks that I want you to complete on the website and on Seesaw.
It is ‘Active Schools Week’ this week so I will upload some exercise tasks such as movement break videos for you to do daily. You can upload a picture of yourself doing your exercise to Seesaw.
Keep up the great work!!
Ms Hayes.
[email protected]
Junior Infants
Sing the days of the week song we sang in school or click on link for Days of the week song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tx0rvuXIRg
Download picture monday_colouring.jpg
Busy at Maths workbook p.106
Revise qu : Practice saying the sound and write 5 words with the qu sound
Sounds Make words Workbook p..67
We will have a new sound tomorrow.
English: The Gruffalo
- Click on link to listen to the story, ‘The Gruffalo’.
2. Ask your child the following questions,
What does the gruffalo look like?
Name the animals that are scared of the gruffalo.
Why are the animals scared of the gruffalo?
Did you like this story? Why?
Extra: Draw a picture of the Gruffalo/ Your favourite character in the story
Movement Break
Click on link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFa0b_IIRac
Senior Infants
- (Optional)Concrete activity: Use cubes/lego ask your child ,for example ,to make a row of 4 green blocks and a row of 7 blue blocks Line the rows horizontally on top of each other
- How many are in the top row?
- How many are in the bottom row?
-How many more blue blocks is there than green blocks?
-How many blocks are there on the top row and bottom row altogether?
2. Writing activity; Download worksheet roi-n-5546-minibeast-bar-graph-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
Ask your child questions such as ...How many blocks do we need to colour for the bumblebee?
How many ladybirds /snails were there?
How many beetles and ladybirds were there altogether?
Are there more woodlice or wasps?
How many woodlice are there?
Phonics Ou and ow
Listen to video https://safeshare.tv/x/ss5c8f0ba3f1bbd
Read along with the sentences.
Write a 1 sentence with an 'ou' word and one sentence with an 'ow' word.
Sounds make words (revision) p.61 oi
English: The Gruffalo
- Click on link to listen to the story ‘The Gruffalo’
2. Ask your child the following questions
What does the gruffalo look like?
Name the animals that are scared of the gruffalo.
Why are the animals scared of the gruffalo?
Did you like this story? Why?
Extra: Draw a picture of the Gruffalo.
Movement Break
Click on link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFa0b_IIRac