Hi Everyone
Well things have changed a little bit since last week and I hope that that everyone is getting on ok with the new changes. I know it must be tough for everyone to have to stay at home all the time now but its for the best and its only going to last a short time, we hope. It's more important than ever now to maintain a positive attitude and doing things that you enjoy to keep your mind and body healthy. Help out at home as much as you can and if you have younger brothers or sisters do your best to do nice fun things with them too. The loose theme for the week is Easter and Change.
I have a bit of an interesting challenge for you all this week and I would love if we got most people in the class (brothers and sisters too!!!) involved. Some of you may have seen the video of some of the children from Moorefield GAA in Kildare 'passing' the ball to each other in a compilation video. Click here if you haven't seen it! I think it would be absolutely brilliant if we could do something similar with hurling! The rules are as follows: Catch from the left, do a trick or run the ball for a few seconds and then pass it off to the right. Keep the video to no more than 10 seconds. I am going to give this as a daily challenge this week and see how many pupils we can get involved!
I have been getting loads of pictures of the amazing baking you are doing (I also have the list of what I have been promised on returning to school....#justsayin) I have included an optional baking challenge this week for anyone who fancies giving it a go! Its at the bottom of your work for the week.
Keep up the good work. Last week before the Easter holidays which I really want you all to enjoy.
Happy Easter and best of luck with the work this week. if you run into any issues or want to send me on your pictures pop them in an email to [email protected]
All the best
Ms Lynch
Continue with Master Your Maths as usual
Pick any online maths game you like and give it a go if you need something to keep you busy!
BAM: Chapter 26 Puzzles Page 138 and 139
Maths Tables Sheet 1-50 (both sides the same practice one and then give yourself two minutes to complete the other side and see how you go.
Addition Sheet: See files at bottom of post
I have given you an Easter Maths test. Give it your best try and don't be too worried about it. There are only 10 (ish) questions!
See the bottom of the post for files.
Cleachtadh comhrá bheirte le daoine eigin sa bhaile.
Briathra: Trí abairtí gach lá ar an 'ag........' leathnach.
Bí ag feachaint ar clár ar TG4.
Dean an E-leathnach. Translate in the way we usually would (sheet below)
Réamhfhocail: Sheet attached just do 'le' and 'do' this week.
English and Geography
Read at Home: Continue on with the next week
Keep going with your daily diary
The clocks went forward this week another thing that has changed. I have attached a short Powerpoint for you to look at on Daylight Savings Time. I then want you to write a debate ( should be about 90-2 mins seconds when read aloud) about whether you are for or against daylight savings time (remember our persuasive writing genre?) Think about your language and what the pros and cons are.
Latitude and Longitude: Look at the Powerpoint for a good overview of latitude and longitude. There is a simple worksheet to mark in the latiude and work out time zones.
I have scanned a chapter from Window on the World in Case you don't have it home with you. You can print the pages and complete the activities on that or you can write the activities in your copy. Read Pages 71-73. Complete the Activities on Pages 74-76
To build and extend on last weeks work on the GAA and Gaelic Revival, I want you to do a fact file on two of the following (if you have time you can do more) Remember when you are getting facts, trust but verify. You must find the same facts in two or more places when doing online research.
Micheal Cusack, Maurice Davin, John Wyse Power, John McKay, J.K Bracken, Thomas St George MacCarthy, Thomas O'Ryan.
Getting Ready for my Confirmation Pages 7, 8 and 9. As it is coming up to Easter, I think now is a wonderful time to reflect on Jesus' ministry. What are your favourite Bible stories about Jesus? What are some of the most important things he did? Look at the Ten Commandments. How are they the same or different to some of the laws we have today?
Make sure you have at the very least 30 mins per day of exercise. In addition try and complete the hurling challenge for this week and email me the video.
This is one to have a bit of fun with! Continue designing your 'Easter Bonnet' It can be made by up-cycling an old hat or using an online template! People would then wear the hats in a parade on Easter Sunday to celebrate the end of Lent. They would be adorned with coloured feathers, eggs, chicks, flowers streamers you name it it went! Think Easter, Spring, Joy and Colour!!! If you have finished perhaps you could help a younger brother or sister make one or perhaps paint some egg shells for an easter egg hunt.
If you make one PLEASE send me a picture....and if you are very brave and I get enough people I will put together a 'virtual parade' if you send me in a short video of you with your 'Easter Bonnet'!! I want to again try and get the whole school involved with this so get cracking on them!
Optional Baking Challenge:
As there was such amazing baking coming in last week, why not challenge yourself to make an Easter Cake. This can be any type of cake or bun you want, and colourfully decorate it for Easter!